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Sunday, March 29, 2009


HEALTHCAMP PHILADELPHIA 2009 is an open forum on Healthcare & the Web, open standards, mobile technologies, social media & process innovation. YOU set the schedule & host the break-out sessions in this Barcamp-style free conference. Bring ideas, make connections.
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Here are some thoughts from
Mark Scrimshire
Change Agent, Blogger and Visionary. HealthCamp Instigator. Futurist wannabe - can you ever get to the future? Passionate about Web 2.0 and collaboration inside and outside the enterprise

Here is an animated slideshow of the event.

The magic happens when you get to the event. As mentioned above the board is empty and participants fill in the schedule.

HEALTHCAMP PHILADELPHIA 2009 from Mark Magliocco on Vimeo.

As cool as all this was the best was I won a Flip Mino HD. Was I blown away.

So we all need to take the lessons learned here and go back to our positions in the world and tell people that we are responsible for our own health care and we have the power to shape the future of Healthcare Delivery in America.

